Luna presented for vomiting. She was initially seen by her primary care veterinarian who treated her with anti-nausea medications and fluids. When she continued to vomit, she was referred to VCA PBVS ER. X-rays of her abdomen were concerning for a foreign body.

She underwent abdominal surgery at which point part of a toy was found in her intestines. It was able to be manipulated back into the stomach then removed via the mouth. This procedure reduced the risk of post-op complications by avoiding cutting into the stomach or intestines. She was spayed at the same time.

Duke was being boarded when he suddenly lost the ability to move his right back leg. He was brought to an ER where they recommended he be evaluated by a neurologist. His family came home from their vacation and brought him to VCA PBVS Neurology

Possible causes of acute paralysis in one limb in a puppy include infection/inflammation, juvenile cancer, and spinal strokes (the youngest reported being 12 weeks old). An MRI was consistent with a spinal stroke, which carries an excellent prognosis. Several weeks later Duke was back to normal!

Nala escaped from her yard and had unknown trauma. It was suspected that she was hit by a car. She had trauma to her back left leg, but was otherwise unhurt. An x-ray showed a broken Tibia. She had surgical stabilization with Dr. Tarricone, and despite some minor complications post-op, she is now doing very well.

MooMoo presented to VCA PBVS ER for a 24 hour history of worsening altered mentation, difficulty walking, circling and falling. Examination was consistent with a problem in her forebrain causing secondary brain herniation. She had an emergency MRI performed that showed a large tumor in the front part of her brain.
​She had a craniectomy and tumor removal. She went home two days following surgery, and is doing very well at home.

Prince presented for difficulty breathing one hour after falling out of his owner’s arms. He was coughing blood. There was concern for bruising of the lungs secondary to trauma. Prognosis was fair. An estimate was discussed but the clients were unable to afford hospitalization and euthanasia was elected.
Charlie’s funds intervened and covered the cost of 48 hours of hospitalization in oxygen. Prince did very well, and went home two days later.

Gabana is an 18 week old toy poodle who was jumped on by another dog and broke her right front leg. She had surgical stabilization and is doing very well!

Ollie acutely developed severe neck pain and an inability to walk. He was treated by his primary care veterinarian for pain for 2 weeks with minimal improvement despite IV pain medications. He was still too weak to walk.
MRI showed a disc herniation at C3-4. He underwent a ventral slot and recovered well. He was discharged the day following surgery with no neurologic deficits or pain. He continues to do well!

Cypress slipped and fell while playing with housemate and slid into a tree. On getting up, she was very weak in her back legs
A CT scan showed a spinal luxation at T12-T13. She had a plate placed. However the plate became loose, so a revision surgery was performed. The plate again moved and was removed in favor of casting.
Her cast was removed after 8 weeks and she is now back to running, jumping and playing.

Abigail presented for being suddenly unable to use her back legs. She seemed a little uncomfortable in the morning, but then cried out and was dragging her back legs.
An examination was performed that showed she had minimal ability to move her back legs, and was very close to being paralyzed.

A CT scan was performed that showed a large herniated disc compressing the spinal cord. Spinal surgery was performed and the compression on the spine was relieved.
She recovered well from anesthesia and surgery and went home walking the following afternoon!
Baby Blue came inside from the back yard with a puncture wound on his limb. The leg was very swollen. He was brought to the Emergency Hospital where he was diagnosed with a suspect snake bite.

Snake bites can cause severe pain and swelling, tissue death, and other life threatening clinical signs depending on the type of snake bite. Baby Blue was triaged and given a dose of antivenum then started on pain medications and IV fluids.
Baby Blue spent the night at the hospital but went home the next day feeling much better!